Having small informal calls with your teammates can be highly beneficial. This is something I’ve been doing since working as a remote employee. There are a few very notable benefits that happen during these calls.
As a developer I’ve been using this strategy to mentor/pair/think with teammates. When I mentor or onboard someone new I spend a bit of time each week pairing with them. This is the only chance I usually get to understand the person at a deeper level. I’m then able to determine what kind of resources that person needs. The individuals that work with me on this always end up teaching me something new too.
I noticed that the meetings tend to be very productive where a lot of information and knowledge is shared rapidly. I’ve shared many small tips and tricks related to software development. Once I showed a teammate how good fzf was and it blew their mind. The biggest advantage is that both people level up and can usually focus really well.
Keep these sessions short and sweet and if you’re finding them extremely advantageous do them regularly.
Not everyone likes to do this because some people are introverted but some love it.