Too many aliases

I have an alias for that?

Everyone wants to master the art of the command line. We spend time learning the basics and early on we learn about aliases. If you install zsh and oh-my-zsh you’ll have so many aliases that you won’t know if you should summon one or type out the full command. Command line users typically have their aliases memorized by heart but there are some that don’t fully have your heart.

I’ve devised an alias that helps you find that lovely little command you like to run. fa. To know what find alias does (fa) we need to find it.

1➜  blog git:(master) fa fa
2fa='alias | grep'
3gfa='git fetch --all --tags --prune --jobs=10'
4gofa='go fmt ./...'

This alias helps us search and grep for aliases by simply typing fa keyword. I’ll conclude with how I use it.

I need to see commands that deal with volumes. So I type fa volume and I get the following.

1➜  blog git:(master) fa volume
2dvi='docker volume inspect'
3dvls='docker volume ls'
4dvprune='docker volume prune'

If you want to have this alias for yourself simply add it to your bash/zshrc.

1alias fa='alias | grep'

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